

BAİS A.Ş. is a manufacturer company which was established to meet the demand of superstructure vehicles for special purposes and to offer best solutions for them at home and abroad (for municipalities, governmental bodies and corporate companies). BAİS, which is able to respond special on-demand needs with innovative and researcher engineering studies, makes differences with unique designs with respect to its competitors. Our product range consists of fire-fighting vehicles, canalization and canal cleaning vehicles, waste collection vehicles, water tankers, platforms with basket, special vehicles for defence industry etc. Also, BAIS, which is certified superstructure manufacturer of foremost truck manufacturers of sector, produces projects and solutions for demands of its partners and is appreciated for services. BAIS, carrying on the activity in Ankara 1st Organized Industrial Site, in 10.000 m2 producing area, is exporting products which are being manufactured by professional staff to many countries and is aiming to become a preferred world brand. Best regards…

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Since the day it was founded, it is to ensure and maintain the satisfaction of our customers by making aesthetic designs with zero error, high quality and an innovative understanding in accordance with international standards.


In the world market related to our fields of activity; is to always remain a leading brand with our innovative, quality and aesthetic services.


Our basic principle is to increase our brand value by representing our company in the best way with our product and service quality in domestic and international platforms.

For this;

To manage customer feedback effectively by keeping customer satisfaction at the highest level,
Legal regulations and conditions; To act with the principle of continuous improvement and right production at the first time in order to increase efficiency and quality with a process-oriented approach, by complying with national and international standards and all applicable requirements,
To make timely deliveries with effective use of resources by eliminating processes that do not create value,
To expand our business volume by closely following the integration between rapidly developing technology, economy and environment and by finding new markets,
Our products; To increase our competitiveness in the sector by eliminating the dangers and producing by making risk and opportunity valuations with our competent staff, with the balance of low cost and high performance,
To establish communication programs to increase the competence, awareness, communication quality and motivation levels of our employees, within the understanding of production that respects human health and the environment,

We are committed to adopting it as a company policy.


It is our primary goal to continuously improve and develop the environmental, occupational health and safety management performance without harming the environment, by saving energy, by creating a safe and healthy working environment, by complying with the legal regulations on OHS, the environment and energy, our stakeholders and all conditions accepted as compliance obligations by us.

In this context;

To comply with the applicable legislation, administrative regulations and legal requirements,
Human, technology, infrastructure, finance, etc. necessary for ensuring occupational health and safety conditions, protecting the environment, energy efficiency and reducing the use of natural resources. provide resources,
To prevent pollution at its source by minimizing the wastes generated as a result of our activities and to support recycling by reducing its negative effects on the environment,
By keeping the health and safety of all our employees at the forefront, with the participation of employees (and/or employee representatives) in order to take the necessary measures against environmental pollution, injury and health deterioration that may occur with the goal of zero work accidents and zero waste, to determine the risks, to define and to determine the objectives and targets related to these risks. to create programs, to ensure that they are reviewed regularly,
To ensure that our employees receive continuous training on Environmental management systems, Occupational Health and Safety Management systems, to increase their awareness, to encourage them to become conscious, participatory and inclined to teamwork, and thus to ensure continuous improvement studies,
To contribute to raising and/or increasing awareness by sharing our knowledge and experience with all our stakeholders, all sectors and non-governmental organizations on occupational health and safety, environment and energy saving,

By structuring all operations on the principles of "Occupational Safety Comes First", "Nothing is More Important than Human Life" and "A Clean and Safe Environmental Heritage for Our Children", we undertake to continue our activities by preserving natural resources in order to leave an environment that will not make future generations forget nature and that can be lived in healthily. .


1. Purpose

Purpose of Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy (“Policy”) BAİS Makina Mühendislik Otomotiv Sanayi Trade A.Ş.'s anti-bribery and anti-corruption policies.

2. Scope

Anti-bribery and anti-corruption policy;

All company employees, including the Board of Directors,
It includes the companies and their employees from whom we purchase goods and services, persons and organizations (business partners) working on behalf of the company, including suppliers, consultants, lawyers, external auditors.

This Policy;

The Corporate Governance Principles and the Company's Code of Business Ethics approved and disclosed by the Company's Board of Directors,
employment contracts,
It is an integral part of Human Resources Practices.

3. Definitions

Corruption is the abuse of power, directly or indirectly, for gaining any kind of gain.

Bribery is the provision, offer or promise of benefit, directly or through intermediaries, in order that a person does, does, or does not do, accelerates, or slows down a job related to the performance of his/her duty; request or accept; is to provide benefits to himself or to the party requesting it, or to someone else due to this relationship, within the framework of an agreement reached with another person in order to act contrary to the requirements of his duty by means of intermediary means.

Bribery and corruption can take place in many different ways, including:

cash payments,
Political or other donations,
social rights,
gift, hospitality,
Other benefits may be considered.

4. Duties and Responsibilities

The implementation and updating of the Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy is the responsibility, duty and responsibility of the Board of Directors. In this context;

Coordination Board recommends to the Board of Directors to establish an ethical, reliable, legal and controlled working environment,
Evaluating the risks of the Coordination Board in accordance with the principles to be determined by the Board of Directors and establishing the necessary control mechanisms,
Monitoring whether the company's activities are carried out safely and in compliance with legal regulations in the area of responsibility of the Coordination Board,
In case of non-compliance with policies, rules and regulations, notification, review and sanction mechanisms should be determined and operated.

In addition, all company employees,

To comply with the policies determined by the Board of Directors,
To effectively manage the risks related to their field of activity,
Working in compliance with relevant legal regulations and company practices,
In case of encountering a behavior, activity or practice contrary to the Policy, it is responsible for notifying the Board of Directors.

5. Companies and Business Partners from which Goods and Services are Purchased and Sold

Companies and business partners from which goods and services are purchased and sold must comply with the Policy principles and other relevant legal regulations, and work with individuals and organizations that do not comply with these are terminated.

5.1 Selection of Firms and Business Partners

The senior management takes into account criteria such as experience, financial performance, technical competence, as well as ethical levels and a positive background in this field, during the selection of companies and business partners from which goods and services are purchased and sold. We will not work with companies or business partners that have negative intelligence about bribery or corruption, even if they meet other criteria. In this context, the responsibility of conducting the necessary research and evaluations before entering into any business relationship rests primarily with the senior management. The Board of Directors evaluates whether the aforementioned issues are acted upon in its audits.

5.2 Agreement with the Firm and Business Partners

In agreements and contracts to be made with companies and business partners that have positive intelligence and meet other criteria;

Ensuring full compliance with the principles specified in the policy and other relevant regulations,
Employees assimilate these principles and act accordingly,
Ensuring that its employees receive training on policy periodically,
Conditions regarding the notification obligations and regular reminders to the employees about the Ethics Line (Board of Directors) and encouraging them to report in case they encounter such situations are included. In case of non-compliance with these or a situation contrary to the policy, the provisions regarding the termination of the work and the contracts in force for just cause are included.

6. Our Policies and Procedures

6.1 Bribery and Corruption

The Company is against all forms of bribery and corruption. It is absolutely unacceptable to take or give bribes, regardless of their purpose.

The business relationship with third parties who want to do business with our company through bribery or corruption should not be continued.

6.2 Gift

A gift is a product that does not require monetary payment and is generally given as a thank you or commercial courtesy by people or customers in business relations.

by the companyAny gift offered or given to a third party must be offered publicly, in good faith and unconditionally. Permission must be obtained from the Board of Directors regarding the gifts that can be given in this context and the principles regarding their registration.

The same principles apply to accepting gifts, and gifts should not be accepted, except for symbolic gifts of low material value, which are included in these principles. In addition, even if it is within this scope, the acceptance of gifts should not be frequent, and the acceptor should notify the Board of Directors of the company about the accepted gifts through his/her first supervisor.

6.3 Facilitation Payments

Facilitation payments are not offered to secure or expedite a routine transaction or process (obtaining permits and licenses, obtaining documents, etc.) with individuals and organizations within the scope of this Policy, with government agencies.

6.4 Donations

Some legal restrictions have been imposed on donations and aids with the law and related legislation to which the company is subject. According to this; The decision of the Board of Directors is required for donations.

It is outside of the company policy for its employees to support charities with the amounts they collect independently of their jobs.

7. Error-Free Record Keeping

The matters that the company has to comply with regarding the accounting and recording system are regulated by legal regulations. According to this;

Recording and keeping all kinds of accounts, invoices and documents regarding relations with third parties (customers, suppliers, etc.) in a complete, precise and accurate manner,
Accounting or similar commercial records of any transaction should not be tampered with and the facts should not be distorted.

8. Education and Communication

The Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy will be announced and signed with this policy following the orientation training to the Company employees and will be kept in the personnel files.

Trainings are an important action to increase the awareness of the employees. In this context, together with the Board of Directors and Human Resources, it designs training programs that require the participation of all employees.

9. Notification of Policy Violations

If there is an opinion or suspicion that an employee or a person acting on behalf of the company is acting against this policy, it should be reported to the Board of Directors.

Our company encourages an honest and transparent approach; supports any employee or person acting on behalf of the company who raises their sincere concerns in good faith and keeps reports confidential. No employee can be subjected to pressure or punishment due to a notification he/she has made to the Board of Directors, which he/she believes is a violation of the Code of Ethics, and no change can be made in the scope or place of duty without the written consent of the Board of Directors.

If the notifying person is exposed to such treatment, he/she must notify the Board of Directors.

Firms or business partners from whom goods and services are purchased are also required to remind their employees about the Ethics Line (Board of Directors contact information) regularly and encourage them to notify if they encounter such situations. This issue is also guaranteed by the contracts made.

10. Policy Violations

In cases that are or may be against the policy, the issue is examined by the Board of Directors and necessary sanctions are applied in case of inappropriate behavior.

In the contracts made with the companies from which goods and services are bought and sold, or with the persons and organizations working on behalf of the company, there are provisions stating that the works / contracts in force will be terminated unilaterally by the company with a just cause in case it is determined that there is behavior, attitude or activity contrary to this policy and policy violations. These provisions apply without exception.

This policy will be followed by the disciplinary procedure.

The anti-bribery and anti-corruption policy entered into force on November 22, 2022 and includes unethical rules that took place before this date.



Most important one of our primary objectives is to manufacture most accurate and high-class products in accordance with national and international standards for our customers.

Catalog Request Form

To request catalogue, please click and fill the following form, in the soonest time, catalogue will be delivered to your address. Please be sure of accuracy of contact details.

Human Resources

We aim to recruit most appropriate candidate who has special competences corresponding to BAİS A.Ş. corporate culture and spot.



BAİS adopted following principles for production and after sale maintenance services: meeting the customer satisfaction on promised level, gaining customer trust on after sale services, respect legal obligations and sanctions unconditionally, improving the quality of materials used and providing up-to-date versions of them, ensuring employees to be proud of the company and within this scope obey Work Safety Law and application rules. Within the frame of business development, to be in cahoots with state agencies, costumers, adjacent companies, raising awareness on topics of health and security of work and environment along with conscious of contribution to manufacturing quality via Integrated Management System, raising consciousness and getting attention to prevent occupational accidents, raising environmental awareness and preventing pollution of resources, minimizing hazardous wastes, studying on recycling of wastes.

Fire Fighting Vehicles, Channeling and Cleaning Vehicles, Garbage Collection Vehicles, Water Tankers, Platforms with Baskets, Special Vehicles for the Defense Industry, etc. is in our product range. In addition, BAİS, which is the approved bodybuilder of the leading truck manufacturers of the sector, produces projects and special solutions according to the demands of its partners, and is appreciated with its services.


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